New Arrivals

New to Archdale Liquors


Wine Time!

We just brought in some fine new wine selections to the neighborhood!

19 Crimes The Warden

Beringer Bros: Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon

Menage a Trois: Aged 3 months in Bourbon Barrels Cabernet Sauvignon


Life is better with tequila! We now carry Clase Azul Reposado, Clase Azul Plata and Mezcal Clase Azul Durango! As well as Casamigos Tequila!

Spiked Seltzers

Last month, you guys flooded our email and social media inboxes, asking for more spiked seltzer options! Well, we have a few new options on our shelves! 2 new Arctic Summer Hard Seltzer variety packs and Press Premium Seltzer!


Your feedback matters!

Some of these new arrivals were requested by our customers! Let us know if you’d like to see us carry any other items and we’ll do our best to place it on our shelves.